Photography is about obsessions and Cig Harvey's twenty-five-year career spans a compulsive relationship with the camera, her compositions rife with lush, saturated intimacy that has transfixed viewers from her adopted home state of Maine to the art world nuclei, New York and Paris. Her work has always incited a jolt, eliciting a reflexive gasp of awe, triggered by memory or emotion.


The new series by Cig Harvey approaches the heart of the human condition, where stories hold secrets as dark as a chocolate-frosted cake pressed with blackberries. FEAST becomes a sensory experience of apples gracefully descending the tree and wisteria engulfing a lady swaying in satin.
Harvey delves into the science of color and explores taste and perception. The result is a photographic experience of wonder, unraveling the intricacies of how we engage with sight, light and feeling. Rooted in specific moments, her work transforms the mundane into a captivating conversation, for instance by exploring the quiet life of the coy and poisoned red berries no one dares to pick, while their color and texture tempt us to do just that.