Laurence Aëgerter: Ici mieux qu'en face

50 CHF
Unsigned 256 pages
Publisher: Actes Sud
ISBN: 978-2-330-14066-3
Dimensions: 31 x 23 cm
The book is organised around three main themes that run through Aëgerter’s work: the elasticity of time, the other side of the coin, the repair of existences.
Fannie Escoulen
It is by revealing the other side of reality in a gesture of reappropriation that the visual artist Laurence Aëgerter builds her stories. The appropriation of this multifaceted material (dictionaries, history books, images from archives or gathered on the internet, art objects, museum works…) acts on her imagination and opens the way to numerous experiments: photographs, artist’s books, installations, tapestries, collaborative projects. The other, a true alter ego, plays a major role in the elaboration of her work.
Texts by Fannie Escoulen, Léa Bismuth, Taco Hidde Bakker & Susana Gàllego Cuesta.
©Photographs Laurence Aëgerter
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Laurence Aëgerter: Ici mieux qu'en face: 50 CHF
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