Jeffrey Conley: West

Jeffrey Conley: West: 80 CHF I SIGNED
Publisher: Nazraeli Press
Dimensions: 32 x 25 cm
Pages: 80
ISBN-13: 978-1-59005-589-2
CHF 80.00

Jeffrey Conley’s photographs are a series of suspended parentheses with the living, the manifestation of waking dreams before the magic of nature, all captured through his profound sensitivity. But beyond the aesthetic appeal of Jeffrey Conley’s artwork, he also arouses our consciousness to the beauty which surrounds us. He is eternal in his wonder, discreet, authentic, and a skilled alchemist of ancient photographic processes.

Stéphane Tallon
Jeffrey Conley’s third monograph, West is published to accompany the artist’s solo exhibition at the Museum of Photography Charles Nègre in Nice, France.  This gorgeous new monograph presents 60 photographs of the American West, printed in duotone on Japanese Kasadaka art paper and bound in linen.
Jeffrey Conley specializes in creating traditional black and white prints. His meticulously crafted prints, made utilizing traditional darkroom processes, are made in small limited editions.


Texts by Jeffrey Conley and Stéphane Tallon. 

©Photographs Jeffrey Conley


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