Renato D'Agostin: 7439

Renato D'Agostin: 7439: 70 CHF I SIGNED
Publisher: Nomadic Editions
Dimensions: 34 x 24.5 cm
Pages: 120
ISBN-13: 978-88-909139-6-9
CHF 70.00
Renato D’Agostin captures visual elements and leaves his singular mark on every picture. Mastering every aspect of his silver gelatin photography, Renato D’Agostin knows better than anyone how to imbue a classical black and white picture with a contemporary cut. Renato’s photographs, laden with abstraction and surrealism, are strong and powerful yet delicate. 
No American road trip looms larger in our collective consciousness than the one bound west, and has been both the favorite subject and a formidable challenge for most artists, from Robert Franck to Jack Kerouac. In 2015, Italian-born photographer Renato D’Agostin took the challenge and travelled the 7,439 miles from New York to Los Angeles on his 1983 BMW motorcycle, developing film in hotel sinks along the way. This initiatic journey gave rise to a series of bright and contrasted images, overwhelming with beauty, subtlety and grace, entitled 7439
Design Tankboys.
©Photographs Renato D'Agostin
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