Kacper Kowalski: Arché

Kacper Kowalski: Arché: 80 CHF I SIGNED
Publisher: Fabryka
Dimensions: 32.5 x 23.5 cm
Pages: 122
ISBN-13: 978-83-929928-4-4
Sold out
Kacper brings many questions, in his newest work it seems like he is digging deeper where nature, snow, water and wildlife make forms that few of us have seen. At first his photos are strangely familiar. You look in your mind for comparison, almost like Japanese ink art, or modernistic forms of minimalism on paper, but still like ancient magic signs or cave paintings, when looking closer, understanding this is nature, we are suddenly connected with some place in our minds, connected to memories from times when understanding these footprints and forms in nature was vital for survival. From times when mythology was born, before the time of writing, maybe even before language.
Andri Snaer Magnasson
Kacper Kowalski has been observing and photographing landscape from an aerial perspective for over 20 years. At an altitude of 150 meters above the ground, he is exposed to all kinds of sensations: the waves of hot and cold air surround him, while he pushes through the clouds with his gyrocopter or paraglider. He feels the vibrations, the wind and humidity. It is in those surroundings - paradoxically - that he finds a peace of mind. The state of absolute concentration, required to simultaneously fly and photograph, leaves his mind free and calm. This is when the sensations from the outside world and the landscape beneath him start to communicate with the language that reveals itself on the photographs - the language of symbols, shapes, and patterns.
Texts by Kacper Kowalski, Andri Snær Magnason. Design Ania Nałęcka-Milach.
©Photographs Kacper Kowalski

This book is only available in our gallery in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

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