Grand Palais Éphémère 9 - 13 November 2022 
Grand Palais Éphémère Booth F11
Margaret Lansink, new in our program, transcends time and age in her latest series “Friction” by juxtaposing photographs of professional ballet dancers, compelled to retire at the age of 35, with the raw landscape of Death Valley in California. She encourages us to follow the flow of an ever-changing world that takes shape through her conviction that beauty is to be found in change: the beauty of rekindling our thoughts, our ideas, our (human) connections, our society, our bond with nature and most importantly our ‘selves’.
Simone Kappeler is one of the most important Swiss photo artists of her generation. For more than forty years, she has uncovered moments of magic on her journeys or short forays into the nearby landscape. Working largely with an analogue camera, she lends everyday objects and scenes a striking majesty through the incidence of light, perspective and colour.
Jeffrey Conley is one of the world’s most renowned contemporary landscape photographers. Whether in the United States, Iceland, New Zealand or the Engadine in Switzerland – his sublime images do not depict the landscape; they reveal nature, experienced as a spiritual place.
Paul Cupido unites solid materiality with ephemeral immateriality in works that invoke the sublime. He addresses not only the vulnerability and inevitable transience of life but above all its strength, power and wholeness, so much so that his pictures never seem sad, for they are informed with the beauty and richness of life.