Inspired by the interplay of light and darkness in life, Willy Spiller follows the path of the human drama - or rather the tragicomedy of life. Driven by the question of how the individual finds his way through the carnival of life, in the midst of deception and struggle, from the small to the great, from the striven to the silent suffering, from the victims to the dazzling figures hiding their vulnerability - HUMAN BEING.


Willy Spiller is a dreamer of life and also a lover of beauty; hence his advocacy of mankind, which is only a cover for human love. This is his vision, fueled by a high level of artistic energy. 


Living for several years in New York City, he craftet vibrant tapestry of the 1980s in New York. 

Notably, he authored “HELL ON WHEELS,” a book centered around the New York subway.

After returning to Europe, Spiller continued to undertake personal ventures, notably engaging in collaborations with writers. His body of work has been showcased in numerous exhibitions and finds its place in prominent museums and private collections.